"okay. let's fight."

cai ♔ 25, she ♔ theo raeken did some things wrong (but maybe liam will be the one thing he gets right)

aboutteen wolf stuff

about me

hi. i'm cai. i love theo raeken. if you've found this carrd from my tumblr, you probably already know that.

i write and draw! theo and liam have consumed all of my brain cells at this moment so expect a lot of (if not exclusively) them. hit me up with an ask or a message anytime, i love talking to new people.

however, do not follow me if you're gonna throw hate at people for ships. this is non-negotiable. my content is not for you. find your niche of the internet somewhere else.

regarding requests, yes i do take them on tumblr or pillowfort! fic, art, it's all good. just please understand that i can't fill them all because i'm just a person messing around between commissions. i do it for fun. if you do want to commission something though, my commission info is on twitter.


teens? in my wolves?

some of my thoughts and interests on this dang show, mostly as a reference for myself + to give you an idea of where my interests lie before following me!

my favorite characters are... nebulous and ever-changing whenever i give it more than two minutes of thought but, for the most part, theo and liam are 1 and 2, respectively. they are the suns around which my system orbits, embarrassingly enough. you probably expected this already.

my other faves include scott, lydia, malia, and mason. god, there should have been more girls and BIPOC on the show.

my favorite ship is, obviously, thiam. they're the reason i stayed hooked on this show. i could go on about it, but just scroll through my blog for a couple pages and you'll understand. other ships i love include scott/isaac, malia/kira, and stiles/lydia.

regarding teen wolf canon: since my fixation is on thiam specifically, season 6 is kind of unavoidable for me LOL. i dislike all that happens in 6b besides the thiam parts lol. so most of my content will probably be placed in some vague post-canon future where the monroe stuff was resolved with the last episode. because i refuse to believe in such a bleak world state for all of these characters.
